300 Tiger VOC gas detectors supplied to Germany’s federal office (BBK)
Market-leading hand-held PIDs part of vital equipment on board government body’s ‘first responder’ reconnaissance vehicles for Germany’s federal office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance.
Germany’s Federal Office (BBK)
Tiger portable VOC detector
Emergency Response
The Background. In response to new threats such as 11 September 2001 and the flood catastrophe of 2002, the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) was established on 1 May 2004 as part of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The interdisciplinary approach of this office includes all services of civil safety prevention and links them to an efficient protection system for the country’s population and its basic survival needs.
ION Science has recently supplied 300 Tiger hand-held volatile organic compound (VOC) detectors to Germany’s Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) where they are part of the vital chemical measurement system on board ‘first responder’ reconnaissance vehicles. The hand-held photoionisation detector (PID) was chosen for its industry-beating anti-contamination design and ability to provide continuous, real-time measurements reflecting the potentially hazardous situation.
Each of the 300 reconnaissance vehicles in operation across Germany will have a Tiger instrument on board. The 4x4s are used to measure, trace and report chemical contamination, find debris and to mark and monitor contaminated areas. The crew consists of four people; two qualified teams per vehicle can operate in turns. Each vehicle’s chemical measurement system includes a VOC monitor and ion mobility spectrometer.
Clemens Verley, CEO at ION Science Messetechnik (ISM):
“Chemical contamination disasters require immediate and proper intervention. Rapid survey of large areas with the help of on board systems and simultaneous reception of GPS data allows immediate formulation of contamination profiles for population protective measures.”

300 Tigers supplied to Germanys federal office (BBK)
”In Germany, the Tiger is becoming increasingly recognised as the best performing PID on the market and widely used by the fire department, for example. We worked closely with BBK to fully understand their application and unique monitoring requirements. They subsequently chose a bespoke version of the Tiger for its well-proven, anti-contamination design and other key features, including the latest probe with leak proof seal that offers increased sideways impact resistance and reliability.
Clemens VerleyCEO at ION Science Messetechnik (ISM):
The measurement data is immediately downloaded in graph and table format with the results plotted on maps to show potential evacuation areas.
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