IGE Consulting use handheld photoionisation detector for risk assessments
IGE Consulting are using Tiger LT handheld photoionisation detector, to provide risk assessments of on-site contamination.
Client name
IGE Consulting
TigerLT portable VOC detector
Geo-environmental Consultancy
IGE Consulting are a dedicated team of highly committed, responsive and pragmatic engineers who understand the requirements for clear, value driven and robust Geo-environmental solutions. They operate throughout the UK and have a depth of technical ability which enables them to carry out a wide range of integrated geotechnical, geological and environmental works covering the residential, commercial, leisure, retail, educational and health sectors.
England based IGE Consulting undertakes desk studies and intrusive site investigation works on sites to be developed into residential or commercial developments. The company operates across the UK and provides a tailored service to meet client requirements such as pre-acquisition / planning development, abnormal costing evaluations, site investigation works and construction efficiency savings.
Geo-environmental consultancy, IGE Consulting, is using a Tiger LT handheld photoionisation detector (PID) to provide comprehensive risk assessments of on-site contamination. Supplied by UK-based distributor, Shawcity.
Every assessment is unique and site-specific as every site has different underlying ground conditions, environmental setting, previous site use and end-use. However, the process by which each site is assessed is routine with an initial desk based assessment and site walkover which will design, if required, the requirement for intrusive site investigation wherein the ground conditions are assessed, ground gas monitoring is undertaken, sampling and chemical testing is undertaken and the risks to humans and the wider environment are refined.
Geo-environmental Engineer at IGE consulting comments:
“We previously hired the ION Science Tiger LT for monitoring VOCs in soils so have used it numerous times with great success. To save costs in the long term, it made sense to purchase one of the instruments. It also adds value to our site investigations and reports as we are able to provide a more comprehensive risk assessment. The Tiger LT instrument is working well and enables us to provide a more comprehensive risk assessment of on-site contamination and the associated human health risk.
In fact, the Tiger LT PID instrument has already reduced costs for one of our clients by locating a VOC hotspot and proving blanks elsewhere on site meaning they did not have to install a VOC barrier on proposed plots. This client now only has to install VOC barriers on four out of 54 locations.
The Tiger LT is performing well and as expected from our previous experience. The service provided by Shawcity was good with fast delivery. Overall, we are very happy and would recommend the instrument to other environmental and geotechnical consultancies.”

IGE Consulting
”We previously hired the ION Science Tiger LT for monitoring VOCs in soils so have used it numerous times with great success. To save costs in the long term, it made sense to purchase one of the instruments. It also adds value to our site investigations and reports as we are able to provide a more comprehensive risk assessment. The Tiger LT instrument is working well and enables us to provide a more comprehensive risk assessment of on-site contamination and the associated human health risk. In fact, the Tiger LT PID instrument has already reduced costs for one of our clients by locating a VOC hotspot and proving blanks elsewhere on site meaning they did not have to install a VOC barrier on proposed plots. This client now only has to install VOC barriers on four out of 54 locations.
Geo-environmental EngineerIGE Consulting