tabib toxic waste services

Tabib Toxic Waste Services Monitors VOCs in Box Containers

Tiger LT portable VOC detector purchased from ION Science to monitor for VOCs in box containers.

tabib_toxic_waste_service Client name

Tabib Toxic Waste


Tiger LT portable VOC detector



Tabib Toxic Waste Services Ltd has purchased a second Tiger handheld photoionization detector (PID) from ION Science to monitor VOCs in box containers, to ensure the safe export of hazardous waste from a new hazardous waste transfer station in Israel.

Tabib, which repackages and exports hazardous waste materials, is using the intrinsically safe Tiger LT instrument to monitor levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in box containers before they are sent to Europe. Tabib’s skilled chemists are using the Tiger LT on a daily basis to check the box containers of hazardous waste before they are sent to the port from the waste transfer station. The results are recorded within containerization reports.

Technologist at Tabib Toxic Waste Services comments:

“Tabib holds an export license for recycling, treating and destroying all types of hazardous waste, in line with the Basel Convention. This means we are authorised by Israel’s Ministry of Environmental Protection to export toxic waste for treatment abroad. We have treatment and destruction facilities outside of Israel that specialise in all types of hazardous waste.”


Tabib Toxic Waste Services

Tabib holds an export license for recycling, treating and destroying all types of hazardous waste, in line with the Basel Convention. This means we are authorised by Israel’s Ministry of Environmental Protection to export toxic waste for treatment abroad. We have treatment and destruction facilities outside of Israel that specialise in all types of hazardous waste.

TechnologistTabib Toxic Waste Service

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