Formula: C8H10 | CAS: 100-41-4
Detecting ethylbenzene: Ethylbenzene is very volatile so is mostly present in air. It can also be transported by water. It can also move very quickly into groundwater, since it does not readily bind to soil . About 99.5% of ethylbenzene will eventually end up in air; the rest will end up in the water.
Detecting ethylbenzene early to lower the risk of exposure
If you live in a city or near many factories or heavily traveled highways, you may be exposed to ethylbenzene in air. Releases of ethylbenzene into the air occur from burning oil, gas, and coal and from industries using ethylbenzene.
Ethylbenzene is not often found in drinking water; however, high levels may be found in residential drinking water wells near landfills, waste sites, or leaking underground fuel storage tanks. Exposure can occur if you work in an industry where ethylbenzene is used or made.
Exposure can occur if you use products containing it, such as gasoline, carpet glues, varnishes, and paints.
The EPA has determined that exposure to ethylbenzene in drinking water at concentrations of 30 mg/L for 1 day or 3 mg/L for 10 days is not expected to cause any adverse effects in a child.
The EPA has determined that lifetime exposure to 0.7 mg/L ethylbenzene is not expected to cause any adverse effects.
The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has limited workers’ exposure to an average of 100 ppm for an 8-hour workday, 40-hour workweek.
– Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry
Effects from being exposed to levels of ethylbenzene
Exposure can irritate the eyes, nose and throat. High concentration can cause you to become dizzy, light headed, or to pass out. Very high levels can cause paralysis, trouble breathing and death. Prolonged exposure can cause drying, scaling and even blistering. High exposure may damage the liver. Chronic (long term) health effects can occur at some time after exposure to ethylbenzene and can last for months or years. Ethylbenzene in high levels is broken down more slowly in your body than low levels of ethylbenzene. Similarly, ethylbenzene mixed with other solvents is also broken down more slowly than ethylbenzene alone. So detecting ethylbenzene early can limit the impact it has on your health.
In the work place exposure to ethylbenzene occurs in factories that use ethylbenzene to produce other chemicals as well as gas, petroleum and coal tar processes. Other occupational exposure may be associated with varnish workers, spray painters, and persons involved in gluing operations. Exposure to ethylbenzene occurs from the use of certain consumer products, gasoline, pesticides, solvents, carpet glues, varnishes, paints, and tobacco smoke.
Gas Factsheet
Everything you need to know about detecting ethylbenzene
Our Gas Factsheets which is available to download below provides you with key information on the exposure limits and the locations of where potentially harmful gases can occur. We also share information on gas detection monitoring techniques and equipment that can help you manage gas detection in the workplace, for worker and site safety.
Detecting Ethylbenzene
Formula: C8H10 | CAS: 100-41-4
Synonyms: ethylbenzene, ethylbenzol, phenylethane
Ethyl benzene is primarily used as feedstock in the manufacture of styrene.