Monument Chemical install fixed continuous PID that monitors pump seals for leaks
Fixed continuous PID monitors pump seals for leaks of different grades of solvents in the C6-C9 aromatic compound range
Client name
Monument Chemical
Falco fixed VOC detector
Manufacturing Services
In a move to further strengthen its good manufacturing practices (GMP), petrochemical manufacturer, USA based Monument Chemical has installed several Falco fixed continuous photoionisation detectors (PIDs) from ION Science. Chosen for its humidity resistant design and accuracy, the high performance instruments monitor pump seals for leaks of different grades of solvents in the C6-C9 total aromatic compound (TAC) range.
False alarms on its lower explosive level (LEL) sensors and the need to improve its GMP prompted Monument Chemical to purchase Ion Science’s Falco fixed continuous PIDs to ensure reliable and accurate monitoring of potentially dangerous levels of combustible gas or solvent vapour, expressed in parts per million (ppm).Steam quench around LEL sensors often causes false alarms even where no event has occurred. Offering the ultimate in safety, Falco eliminates false readings found with other competing PID technology.
Unlike some facilities that are legally required to have leak seal detectors based on the type of pumps in use or within areas of concern, Monument Chemical wanted to further improve the monitoring of pump seal leaks as part of its GMP programme./span>
Manager of Regulatory Affairs and Quality at Monument Chemical comments:
“When assessing the potential hazards involved in our day-to-day operations it became evident that ION Science’s Falco fixed PID was the perfect solution for our application. We were particularly impressed with the instrument’s patented humidity resistant fence electrode technology and ability to work continuously in condensing atmospheres.”
“The operations team were concerned that a more sensitive reading in parts per million (ppm) would lead to further false alarms. However, since experiencing the unit’s performance, they have been very impressed by its stability.”
“We really like the visual display with green, amber and red indicators. Basically, green is a ‘no leak’ status of the pump seal while red shows a ‘leak’ is present. This feature gives operators the chance to visually check and verify the status of the area for potential leaks from a good distance without being inadvertently or unknowingly in the hot zone.”
“The ION Science sales and technical support team was always available to answer questions and provide the help needed to set up and calibrate the PIDs in a very timely and concise manner. As a result, we would rate the service as excellent, easily a 9 out of 10, and happily recommend the company and Falco to other petrochemical businesses.”

Monument Chemical
”When assessing the potential hazards involved in our day-to-day operations it became evident that ION Science’s Falco fixed PID was the perfect solution for our application. We were particularly impressed with the instrument’s patented humidity resistant fence electrode technology and ability to work continuously in condensing atmospheres.
Manager of Regulatory Affairs and QualityMonument Chemical