GasCheck G

Quinta-Analytica Yaroslavl monitor for nitrogen and argon leaks

Gascheck G Portable leak detectors purchased from ION Science to monitor for nitrogen and argon leaks.


Client name

Quinta Analytica


Gascheck G portable leak detector



Having increased the number of gas generators and argon tanks in its Bioanalytical Laboratory, Russia-based Quinta-Analytica Yaroslavl, purchased an advanced GasCheck G gas leak detector from leading global specialist in gas detection instrumentation for occupational health and environmental monitoring, ION Science.

Quinta-Analytica Yaroslavl is using the handheld GasCheck G gas leak detector to monitor its liquid chromatography (LC), tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) laboratory, which performs the analytical aspect of clinical research studies, for nitrogen and argon leaks. Quinta Analytica is using the GasCheck G monitor on a regular basis with data being manually recorded in a log book.

Senior Analyst at Quinta-Analytica Yaroslavl comments:

“The GasCheck G has met our requirements in terms of ease of use, functionality, quality and cost effectiveness. It is also extremely reliable and accurate, which ensures the health & safety of laboratory staff.”


leak detector used by russian laboratory

Quinta Analytica

Monitoring nitrogen and argon leaks is an important part of our gas management system. We chose the ION Science Gascheck G gas leak detector following a recommendation.

Senior AnalystQuinta Analytica

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