A Basic Guide to Lamp Variants
ION Science offer 3 different energy levels with the their Photoionisation detectors (PIDs) these are 10.0 eV, 10.6 eV and 11.7 eV. All instruments come supplied with a 10.6 eV lamp as standard, and this runs in the middle of the lamp types and is the work horse for most PID manufactures.
Lamp Types
The Tiger Select, the Cub TAC and the Falco TAC all come with a specially optimised 10.6 eV lamp and when paired with the stack specifically designed to work with this lamp, creates a 10.0 eV MiniPID. The 10.0 eV this is the most selective of the lamps and is particularly focused, for BTEX compounds, and other aromatics.
The 11.7 eV lamp is the broadest of the lamps but is the most delicate and is used to detect compounds with the highest ionisation energy.
Lamp Storage
When not in use it is recommended you remove the MiniPID where the lamp is housed and store it in an airtight container with desiccant. This is extremely important for 11.7 eV products as the most damaging thing to the 11.7 eV lamp is moisture.
Lamp Care
Lamps are a delicate part of your instrument and regular maintenance should be practiced.
To gain access to your lamp, remove the electrode stack using a “stack removal tool” the electrode stack should spring free and the MiniPID can be inverted to allow the lamp and spring to come away from the MiniPID body. This is also a good opportunity to check the electrodes within the stack, they should be bright and shiny, any corrosion means the stack should be replaced It is important to only touch the lamp body and avoided touching the window.
For further information, visit our support videos on the ION Science Website:
Please email info@ionscience.com or telephone: +44 (0) 1763 208 503 as we will endeavour to assist you with further details.
White Paper Article
Everything you need to know about A Basic Guide To Lamp Variants
Our White Paper Article is available to download below, the information provide you with key information and discuss the facts and common questions asked regarding lamp variants. We also highlight how to maintain your lamps and ways in which are best to clean them to make sure you are optimising their performance.
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