Canadian hospital uses Tiger to ensure safe working
Handheld photoionisation (PID) instrument used to monitor emissions from housekeeping products such as paints, adhesives and new furniture
Client name
Canada’s St Boniface Hospital
Tiger portable VOC detector
Personal Safety
Boniface Hospital has been providing leadership in health care on behalf of Manitobans since it was first established by the Grey Nuns in 1871. Located at the fork of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, they were the first hospital in Western Canada, established in St. Boniface as a small four-bed facility to meet the health care needs of the people of the new province of Manitoba (founded in 1870).
From these humble beginnings they have grown to become one of Canada’s leading patient care and research facilities, establishing a reputation for leadership in the process. St. Boniface Hospitals growth is a direct result of their ongoing efforts to improve the level of service they provide to the people and communities they serve.
In a move designed to help ensure the on-going health & safety of its 4000-strong workforce, especially those with known chemical sensitivities, Canada’s St Boniface Hospital has ordered a handheld Tiger volatile organic compound (VOC) detector from ION Science.
Taras Stecy, Co-ordinator at St Boniface Hospital:
“We are committed to providing a safe working environment for our staff and patients alike. We had a few issues with VOC levels in the past so decided to introduce an on-going monitoring process. Plus we know that some staff have sensitivities to VOCs and felt an obligation to protect them from the risk of overexposure.”

Canada’s St Boniface Hospital
”We purchased the Tiger from ION Science’s Canadian distributor, Levitt Safety. They offered advice on the most suitable instrument and also provided training to our entire safety group. This hands-on demonstration was extremely useful as it enabled all of us to practice using the equipment.
The Tiger is easy to use and the menu setup is great as it allows less proficient or technical users to operate it fairly easily. It is early days but so far it seems reliable and relatively maintenance free. I think the whole team would recommend the Tiger to other hospitals or healthcare facilities. It has a quick start up and is very user friendly.
Taras Stecy, Co-ordinatorSt Boniface Hospital