
High-performance sensors underpin semiconductor growth

Semiconductor Industry Takes Proactive Steps in VOC Monitoring for Fabrication, Worker Safety, and Community Well-being.

As the semiconductor industry continues to advance in technology and innovation, the focus on safety, environmental responsibility, and community well-being is more critical than ever. The role of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in semiconductor fabrication processes necessitates advanced monitoring solutions to ensure the highest standards of safety for workers and neighbouring communities. In this article, we look into how high performance sensors underpin semiconductor growth.

Semiconductor manufacturing involves the use of various chemicals, including VOCs, which can pose potential risks to both human health and the environment. In recognition of these challenges, industry leaders are adopting cutting-edge technologies to monitor and control VOC emissions.


Gas detection and monitoring (VOCs)

Hundreds of different chemicals are used in the manufacture of microchips, but these processes are often commercially confidential, so the monitoring requirements vary between different fabricators. Nevertheless, monitoring systems are typically deployed to detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as IPA, acetone, trichloroethane, trichloroethylene, ethylene glycol, xylene, methyl isobutyl ketone, ethyl acrylate, benzene and formaldehyde. ION’s MiniPID sensors are highly sensitive to all of these VOCs and are therefore ideal for inclusion in detection equipment at semiconductor fabrication plants.

For all semiconductor microchip manufacturers there are two main reasons for installing monitoring systems. Firstly, gases from these chemicals represent a risk of fire, explosion and toxic exposure to staff and the environment. Secondly, microchips are manufactured on silicon wafers in cleanrooms with stringent air quality requirements because even tiny amounts of airborne contamination can damage microchips. Monitoring systems are therefore required for the early detection of contamination at all stages of the production process to protect the workforce. Monitoring equipment is deployed…

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