Maximize Productivity with the Fire Investigation Kit

Every year during late summer, the nation hears of wildfires sweeping across the state of California. The fires occurring can be impactful on personal and professional lives, leaving many worried and anxious when they do occur. But sometimes fires occur for unknown reasons, increasing the need for investigators to examine the scene and determine the cause.

Fire investigators look at the physical factors of a scene to identify potential causes and collect evidence. From there, the evidence is analyzed further to find a conclusion regarding the cause of the fire and inform others to prevent it from happening again. There are a variety of tools available during this process, such as arson investigation dogs. But sometimes the dogs can become tired or desensitized, making the process longer to provide adequate amounts of resting for them to focus on the task at hand.

ION Science has created a Fire Investigation Kit to assist in the process, decreasing the amount of investigation time while increasing efficiency and maintaining accuracy. The kit also minimizes the number of lab samples usually taken while providing a variety of accessories and spares to complete the task.

Included in the kit is a long, flexible probe enabling access to awkward spaces and gaps between the floorboards and ceilings. With it comes a vehicle adaptor to keep the chargeable battery full plus an AA battery pack for emergencies, and an exhaust barb to allow air samples to be captured whilst measuring for subsequent lab analysis (if required). The kit is completed with spare PTFE filters, a bump test pen, rugged carrying case, and calibration gas to check and maintain functionality and accuracy.

Modern PID sensors can compete with arson investigation dogs in terms of sensitivity and provide numerous advantages. The kit is portable and easy to use in the complex aftermath of a fire, running for main hours while dogs may need a break due to tiredness or desensitization. The PID sensor will increase the productivity of fire investigators while reducing the amount of samples needed for analysis. With the many features, ease of use, and portability, the investment of this kit will provide an excellent return on its investment. Plus, the device gives a continuous read-out to quickly find the location of residual accelerants at the scene.

To find out more about fire investigation, download our FREE Buyers Guide to ‘Accelerant Detection Tools for Fire & Arson Investigation‘. For more information regarding our Fire Investigation Kit, visit our products page or contact ION Science today.

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